
Postal 2 Mods
Postal 2 Mods

Postal 2 Mods

↑ Not Loading in Windows 10 this will break thousands of - Microsoft Community - last accessed on.↑ Legacy:Postal 2 - Unreal Wiki - last accessed on.8.5 Postal 2 and Paradise Lost crashes randomly.8.1 Black-red screen in fullscreen mode.One second per one level transitition can make up to a minute in entire run. Sadly 5021, which is the latest version on Steam, is quite slow. Seems like the bottleneck is my PC or the game optimization. Interesting thing is that RAMdisk almost doesn't help at all, but it should still be faster. I think the main reason for 1413 being fastest is that it allows 640x480 resolution while 5021 only allows 1024x768 and higher.

Postal 2 Mods

The rest is transitioning between 2 zonesĭespite 1409 being fastest, it doesn't allow you to skip speeches after getting a group angry (eg: speech after leaving library), so it's not a good option. QuarantineTarantula QuarantineTarantula and Idiom Idiom like this.ĭid some testing of loading times on different versions and got quite interesting results: Retail Postal 2 version is just 1.4 GBs, but that one has a really long loading screens and you can't skip the speeches Postal dude makes when he pisses a group. You'll probably have to get a cracked steam version, though 🙂 Paradise Lost is 2.8 GBs, so that's 4.7 GBs, which should be doable with 8GB RAM. I haven't tried it myself yet, but Postal 2 complete on Steam is 7.5 GBs, which is a problem if you have less than 12GB RAM. EG: Loading time is always 5 seconds with Ramdisk and anything between 6-7 seconds with HDD or SSD.

Postal 2 Mods

Ramdisk also doesn't suffer from inconsistent speeds. You copy your game there and the game is basically loaded from one space of your RAM to another one, and since RAM is faster than any storage device, the speed boost is huge.

Postal 2 Mods

The idea is to create a virtual hdd from your RAM, which you can then use as any storage until you disable it or restart your PC. "Fake HDD" is called Ramdisk and you can download one here for free: Your PC won't matter that much in such old game like Postal 2. From my experience, the biggest difference is HDD vs SSD.

Postal 2 Mods